185 O êàê æåñòîêî 5-Feb-2011
ß îáðàòíî ïðî Jersey Shores.

Íåâûíîñèìî ïðåêðàñíî.

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The episode picked-up just as the crew’s night began to wind down. Upon arriving home, Ronnie proceeded to vomit into what looked like a Lululemon shopping bag. (The good news: That bag is durable enough to constrain Ron’s mess. The bad news: I’m 83 percent sure I saw a pair of yoga pants in there. Sorry, Sam.)

... took us to the doctor`s office with Ron.

“Nobody likes the snap of rubber gloves,” the doc said to Ron as he winced in pain.
Everything seemed to be going great. Snooki learned about Jeff’s tongue ring (which she somehow failed to notice the night before) and told him why she doesn’t swim in the ocean - all the whale sperm makes the water too salty.


2011-02-05 14:20:40   •   LINK ZU DIESEM ARTIKEL
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