145 Ïàñõàëüíàÿ áèëîãèÿ. 10-Apr-2010
 ðàçãàð ïàñõàëüíîãî ðàçãóëà ðåêëàìû ïî òåëåâèçîðó íà ïðîøëîé íåäåëå, íàì êàæäûå 10 ìèíóò ïîêàçûâàëè ðîëèêè ñ Áåçóìíûì Êðîëèêîì, êîòîðûé øîêîëàäíûå ÿéöà âååðîì ñååò.  ñâåòå ýòèõ ÿéö, åùå åñòü ñìåøíîé ñþæåò, êîãäà íåêèå ëþäè èùóò ïðàâèëüíîãî êðîëèêà - êîòîðûé íå ìû÷èò, íå ëàåò, à êóäàõòàåò. Òèïà, ÿéöåíîñíûé êðîëèê, âñå áåðåì åãî, îí íàì ÿèö äàñò.

 ðóññêîì âàðèàíòå, ÿéöà âðîäå îáû÷íûå, õîòü è ðàñêðàøåííûå. ß äîëãî äóìàë, ÷òî ýòè áåçäóøíûå êàïèòàëèñòû êàê-òî íàäðóãàëèñü íàä ñèìâîëîì Ïàñõè, è ïðèäóìàëè ôàêòè÷åñêè êàêîãî-òî ñòðàííîãî êðîëèêà.

Äûê, íåò. Ñåãîäíÿ ïî÷åìó-òî Èíòåðíåòû ïî÷èòàë. Ïàðà öèòàò.

The Easter Bunny or Easter Hare (sometimes Spring Bunny in the U.S.) is a character depicted as a rabbit bringing Easter eggs, who sometimes is depicted with clothes. In legend, the creature brings baskets filled with colored eggs, candy and sometimes also toys to the homes of children on the night before Easter.

The saying "mad as a March hare" refers to the wild caperings of hares as the males fight over the females in the early spring, then attempt to mate with them. Since the females often rebuff the males` advances before finally submitting, the mating behavior often looks like a crazy dance; these fights led early observers to believe that the advent of spring made the hares "mad". This bold behavior makes the hares, normally timid and retiring animals, much more conspicuous to human observation in the spring.

The precise origin of the ancient custom of coloring eggs is not known, although evidently the blooming of many flowers in spring coincides with the use of the fertility symbol of eggs—and eggs boiled with some flowers change their color, bringing the spring into the homes. Many Christians of the Eastern Orthodox Church to this day typically dye their Easter eggs red, the color of blood, in recognition of the blood of the sacrificed Christ (and, of the renewal of life in springtime). Some also use the color green, in honor of the new foliage emerging after the long dead time of winter.
German Protestants wanted to retain the Catholic custom of eating colored eggs for Easter, but did not want to introduce their children to the Catholic rite of fasting. Eggs were forbidden to Catholics during the fast of Lent, which was the reason for the abundance of eggs at Easter time.

 îáùåì, êàæåòñÿ, ýòî ñàì È.Õ. ðàçâëåêàëñÿ - îáëåã÷èòü ðåëèãèîçíîå ñîáûòèå âîñêðåøåíèÿ ãëàâíîãî òîâàðèùà è ââåñòè êðîëèêîâ, ïðèíîñÿùèõ öâåòíûå ÿéöà...

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